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Oxygen Delivery Devices - Flow Rates And FiO2

Nasal cannulae Deliver 24-30% oxygen Flow rate 1-5L/min (5L will dry the nose, 2L is more comfortable) Used in non-acute situations or if only mildl…

Pulse Oximetry: Purpose, Uses, and How to Take a Reading

Definition: The pulse oximeter is a small, clip-like device. It attaches to a body part, most commonly to a finger, toe, or ear lobe. ◾Pulse oxime…

Tracheostomy Question & Answers - FAQ

What is the Difference Between a Fenestrated and Non-Fenestrated Tracheostomy Tube? The primary difference between the two types of tracheostomy tu…

Fenestrated Tracheostomy Tube

Fenestrated Tracheostomy Tube A fenestrated tracheostomy tube is a type that has an opening in the tube above the cuff, which allows air to enter s…

Tracheostomy Tube Surgical Procedure 3D Video

Tracheostomy Procedure: You lie facing up. A nurse cleans your chest and neck with a germ-killing antiseptic. An anesthesiologist gives you genera…

Tracheostomy Tube - Parts, Types, Indications, Contraindications and Complications

Tracheostomy A tracheostomy is a surgical procedure that involves making an incision in the neck in order to create an opening into the trachea.  …

Basic Life Support 2023 Guidelines - CABD

v Basic Life Support New Guidelines for Cardiac Arrest Basic Life Support 2023 Guidelines CPR: For Adults CABD (Circulation, Airway, Br…

Nosocomial Infections - Risk Factors, Mode of transmission, Symptoms, Prevention

Introduction: Nosocomial infection comes from Greek words “nosus” meaning disease and “komeion” meaning to take care of. Also called as hospital ac…

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