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Piaget Theory of Cognitive Development - Psychology

"Piaget Theory of Cognitive Development"

Cognition refers to thinking and memory processes, and cognitive development refers to there. long-term change in Processes. One of the most widely known theory about is stages of cognition Piaget theory of cognitive development."

Piaget Theory of Cognitive Development

Stages of cognitive Development:

There are stages of development: four following children cognitive

  1. Sensorimotor Stage
  2. Preoperational Stage
  3. Concrete Operational Stage
  4. Formal Operational Stage
1. Sensory Motor Stage:
  • In this stage the child begins to interact with environment.
  • This time interval of this stage from 0 to 2 years of baby age.
  • This stage is the period when infants think by means of senses and motor actions. As, every new parent will attest infants continually touch, manipulate, look, listen to and even bite and chew objects.
  • According to Piaget, all of the above actions allow children to learn about the world and are crucial to their early cognitive development.
  • Sensory Motor Development initially happens without the support of language. Therefore, it seems hard are to know what infants are thinking.
2. The preoperational stage:
  • In this stage the child begins to represent the would symbolically.
  • The time interval of this from age 2 to 6 or 7 years.
  • In preoperational stage children use dramatic play to represent objects by symbolic activity.
  • For example, Ashely holds plastic banana to her ear and says: "Hello. Mom? Can to bring me my baby doll? OK!" Then she hangs up the for banana and [pours tea for Iris in an invisible cup Iris giggle at the site of all of this and exclaims: “Ringing! Oh Ashley, the phone is Ringing again! You better answer it and on it goes.”
  • From the above example we conclude that children do not think realistically. But they also know that banana is still a banana and not really a telephone. They are thinking at two levels: imaginative and realistic.
3. The concrete operational stage:
  • In this stage child starts to learn rules such as conservation, difference etc.
  • The time interval of this stage is from age 7 to 11 or 12.
  • As children continue into elementary school, they become able to represent ideal and events more flexibly and logically.
  • In the concrete operational stage, for example: a child unconsciously follow rule. "If nothing is added or taken away the amount of something remain same.”
  • This rule helps infants to understand certain athematic. tasks, such as subtracting or adding.
  • Piaget called this stage concrete operational stage because children mentally "operate" on concrete objects and events.
4. Formal Operational stage:
  • The time period of this stage is from 12 years to adulthood.
  • In this stage the adolescence can transcend the concrete situation and think about the future.
  • Formal operation stage is the period when infant can "operate" on "Forms" or representations. Hence, it is called Formal operational stage.
  • With the student at this level, Teacher can ask hypothetical questions /problems: What if the world had never discovered oil? To answer this question the student must use hypothetical reasoning, meaning that they must manipulate ideas that vary in several ways at once, and do not entirely in their minds.
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