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Steps For Tracheostomy Suctioning - Video Guide

Steps For Tracheostomy Suctioning. how to do suctioning. tracheostomy suctioning step by step method. simple way to do tracheostomy suctioning.

Here's the steps for tracheostomy suctioning.

Follow the following steps:

  • First, gather supplies and wash your hands.
  • Suction pressure should not exceed 150 mercury for most clients.
  • Always Preoxygenate with 100% oxygen prior to suctioning.
  • To reduce the risk of hypoxemia, dip the tip of the catheter in the basin of sterile water to help with insertion of the catheter.
  • The catheter should be introduced to the design.
  • Higher depth to the tip of the trachea for shallow suctioning, passing the end of the tube is considered deep suctioning.
  • Then occlude the suction port with a glove thumb and suction continuously while pulling the tube out.
  • Remember, gently turn and remove the catheter.
  • This whole process should take no longer than 10 seconds.
  • If there's a need for repeat suctioning, make sure the heart rate and oxygen level are stable between suctioning episodes.
  • Upon completion, reattach any oxygen to the client if indicated. Then remove gloves and perform hand hygiene.

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