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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Respiratory Zone?

Respiratory Zone is an education platform for helping develop students into successful respiratory therapists. Founded in 2022, Respiratory Zone has reached over 10 thousands of people around the world while struggling to become one of the most trusted resources for information about the field of respiratory care. You can learn more on our About Us page.

Is Your Stuff Up to Date?

Yes! Our articles were recently posted, and we’re constantly updating and adding new material to help students succeed.

How Do I Contact You?

That’s super easy! You can email us by clicking here.

Can I Share With Other Students?

Off course! You can share the data with other students😊.

What is the Best Stethoscope for Respiratory Therapists?

We always recommend the 3M Littmann Classic III stethoscope because it provides the best quality compared to the price you pay.

Do You Sell Physical Copies?

Our in-depth courses contain online quizzes, practice exams, and more, which is why they must be digital. However, we do provide downloadable PDFs that you can print out for taking notes or studying while on the go.

How Can I get Free Stuff?

If you haven’t noticed, 99.9% of everything we have to offer is free for our students.

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